Client: Butterfly Conservation | Photography: Alex Sedgmond
Moths Matter
Working with Butterfly Conservation to curate an event to engage people in the beauty of moths and help individuals understand why we need to safeguard their future.
Emma Pestridge Engagement Officer, Butterfly Conservation"Ed’s ideas and creative designs have been a wonderful addition to our project and allowed us to have our busiest event yet. We engaged many people in the beauty and importance of moths."
The paper-cut process
I programmed a digital paper cutter to plot out each illustration layer-by-layer and assembled the cutouts to create a large-scale, interactive infographic. Follow the link below to read about the process.
Making Moths
A curated moth-making workshop where children could craft their own paper Garden Tiger moths and take them home.
An engaging, interactive experience
The Butterfly Conservation team brought a selection of live moth species for visitors to handle and experience first-hand, which brought a realness to the #MothsMatter campaign.
Shoutout to the paper sponser
The colourful paper stocks were donated to the campaign by Fedrigoni UK, an innovative and sustainable company that produces speciality paper from recycled materials derived from post-consumer waste.
The result
The event in Wildwood has been Butterfly Conservation's busiest #MothsMatter event yet. Over 50 people crafted a paper moth and we engaged many individuals in the beauty of moths and their importance.