Selected Infographics
Visualising complex ideas to make them beautifully simple.
Blue Carbon
Client: China Dialogue
Longline Fishing
RSPB x Birdlife International
Offshore Wind Farms
Client: China Dialogue
Remembering Sudan
Under the Skin x Ol Pejeta Conservancy
Saving the Vaquita
Under the Skin x Sea Shepherd
Moths Matter
Client: Butterfly Conservation
Celtic Deep Map
Client: Celtic Deep
The Future of Deep Sea Mining
Client: China Dialogue
Responsibly Sourced Palm Oil (RSPO)
Client: China Dialogue
Under the Skin
Shark Awareness Week
Insects Unearthed
Personal work
An Ocean Of Plastic
Lonely Whale x Under the Skin
Animal Senses
Personal work
Great Hammerhead Shark Factfile
Sea Shepherd x Under the Skin
How Rewilding Helps
Client: Rewilding Britain
Alfred Wallace Collections
Another Escape x Under the Skin